How much will a survey cost?
Based on many years of experience, Griffin Land Surveying can usually furnish an estimate of costs, most often by the next business day. Also, please visit the ‘Contact’ page.
The cost for most land surveying work is based on the following variables:
Record search: This varies by
(a) the number of parcels involved; and
(b) the number of past transactions
(c) the casual manner in which land transactions have been handled in the past, resulting in many vague, incomplete, and often contradictory legal descriptions and land records.
Size and shape of property: An irregularly shaped parcel has more corners to monument than a rectangular parcel containing the same area.
Sectionalized Survey Work: This could require the survey of the entire section (640 acres +) in which the land being surveyed lies, regardless of the area of the parcel. In some cases, a survey of more than one section is required, depending on the location of the parcel in question in relation to the sections shown on the government plat.
Terrain: A level parcel of land is easier to survey than a mountainous parcel.
Vegetation: Branches, brush, and small trees must frequently be cleared to afford a line of sight for the surveyor. Shrubs, flowers, and trees on home sites are normally not disturbed but may require additional field time to perform work around them.
Accessibility: The time to perform the surveying work varies with the distance to, and the difficulty in reaching, the corners on the site.
Amount of existing evidence on the property: Existing evidence such as iron, wood, or stone monuments, old fences and occupation lines, and monumentation is a considerable aid to the Surveyor.
When neighbors are cooperative, an otherwise difficult or impossible boundary line location may be established by boundary line agreement.
Time of Year: In summer, foliage may present problems making traversing difficult. In winter, the weather may slow travel to and on-site, and sometimes conceal field evidence.
Title Company Requirements: Title companies may require considerably more documentation than is normally required by the average landowner.
* Costs may increase as the required precision and scope of the survey increases.